Monday, November 19, 2012

We went dark there for a while

Somewhere between altering a PHP script I found to migrate Drupal content to Blogger and writing my own Python script to do the same I lost focus on the site and was down for several days.

Apologies to anyone who was inconvenienced, but I feel pretty good that I'm how I want to be over at Blogger.

I ended up using conversion of this script: over to Python and SQLAlchemy. It worked fairly well, but I was never able to get comments to work for me at all, so I'll be migrating those by hand. Lucky for me the site never had many comments and I think I'm looking at migrating less then 10 comments. :) Very doable.

I'll try to clean this up a bit and make it available via a github repo in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. I've migrated all the comments, as well as content from another blog that I was posting to in the 2008 time frame.

    That should be all the migration stuff *whew* at least for my sites.
